Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mask Making By Aidan & Sophia

Mask Making
By Aidan & Sophia
On Tuseday September 30th we made masks. We had a peptalk on how to make masks. There were grown-ups helping us.First, we had to put a shower cap on our heads and vaseline all over our face - it was  slimy! Second, we had to lay down on a table and close our eyes and the grown-ups had to dip plaster strips in warm water and  then put it on our face. Third,our masks had to dry when the grown-ups took the masks off our face - our faces felt so wierd and soft and there was plaster sticking on our faces! We had to wipe our faces with soap and water. Then we had to design our masks on paper to see what we wanted them to look like. This week we are going to paint our masks.       

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