Thursday, August 18, 2011


Dear 4th Graders & Families,

Welcome to the 4C Blog!

We will use this blog throughout our school year together to record what we are studying in class and report on what we are learning. My hope is that our whole class will take turns working on this blog weekly to inform all of you at home on what we are up to.

~Ms. Cosel


  1. Congratulations on the 4th grade Blog for Ms. Cosel. It's going to be a wonderful school year.

  2. Dear 4Cers,
    I love your blog. The pictures are wonderful, the writing descriptive. I am looking forward to reading about your adventures in fourth grade - thank you for the invitation to your blog.
    Alejandro and Eric, I am wondering about how you will describe the science work Alejandro mentioned in class today with precipitation, condensation and evaporation. Thank you for sharing your work in a blog! This is a gift to your community.
    All best!

  3. All,

    Thanks so much for letting us visit your class today and for the opportunity to look at your blog. What you are doing is very exciting. Please let me know what I can do to support you.
