Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mask Painting By Robin & Adam

Mask Painting By Robin & Adam

   There were two steps to painting masks.The first step was painting on the base coat. [We did that on Tuesday.] It wasn't that fun because we could only use one color.The second step was adding details. We got to use any color we wanted. Adam’s base coat was blue but he covered it with black and red. Robin’s base coat was green with black and red in the spaces. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

About The Water Cycle By Alejandro & Eric

About The Water Cycle 
by Alejandro and Eric

We are learning about the water cycle in class.                                                                             
First when the water is in the clouds it is called condensation. When the rain is falling it's called precipitation. When all of the rain comes together and makes a puddle its called collection. Then when the sun sucks up the water its called evaporation. That is the water cycle!  

Map Making By Claire & Olivia

Map Making
By Claire & Olivia

This past month we have been studing Mexico. Three weeks ago we made maps. First we cut out a picture of Mexico, the key, and a compass. Then we got to pick any colerd paper for the back round. Then we glued a picture of mexico,the key and the compass to the paper.After, we had to name all of the citys, rivers, the capital, moutans, peninsulas, oceans, deserts,  and rain forstes.On the key it told you the color code. Green for the rain forest, brown for the moutians, yellow with brown dots for the deserts, blue for the river,  and you could color the ocean if you please. The last thing you could color were the cities, red or black. You also had the option to draw the U.S.A and Central America with Shrarpie. All of our maps are colorful and fun. The maps are very helpful to know were every thing in Mexico is, like when we play Mexico Triva. Thanks for reading about how we made our maps. We hope when you stop by you check them out.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Penny Experiement By Madison & Curt

Penny  Experiment
by Curt & Madison 
Last week we did an experiment.We split up into  groups and got eye droppers.We all got to drop one drop on a penny.We used plain water.We used soapy water.We used salt water.The plain water we got forty drops of water. Soapy water we got one because the surface tension  exploded.Salt  water we got  ten drops of water. It made a dome.A dome is a half of  a circle.It was a very fun time. 


Math Games By Eliza & Jacob

Math Games
By Eliza & Jacob

This month we are playing a game called master mind.     The object of the game is to get all the cubes in the order that your partner has. If you get one in the right place your partner would say you have one in the right place. He would not tell you which color it was. You can’t see the cubes so it’s hard. And those are the rules.

Multiple Turn Over                
In math we have been playing a game called Multiple Turn Over. This is how you play: You have a partner(s),and each partner randomly takes 10 cards from a cup. Each card has a number on it. The object of the game is to turn over all your cards first. This is how it works: Whoever has the lowest number goes first. They say any number between 1 and 10 to be the multiple. Then whatever number they said,both partners turn over any number they can make by multiplying that number.
      For example, one of my cards is 21. Another one of my cards is 44. My partner says multiples of 3.I turn over the 21 because it is a multiple of 3. And if I had any other multiples of 3,I would flip them over too. But I don’t turn over the 44 because 44 is not a multiple of 3. Then it’s my partners turn. If you want to challenge yourself,there is a cup of high numbers that you can take from too. Whoever turns over all their cards first is the winner.                  


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mask Making By Aidan & Sophia

Mask Making
By Aidan & Sophia
On Tuseday September 30th we made masks. We had a peptalk on how to make masks. There were grown-ups helping us.First, we had to put a shower cap on our heads and vaseline all over our face - it was  slimy! Second, we had to lay down on a table and close our eyes and the grown-ups had to dip plaster strips in warm water and  then put it on our face. Third,our masks had to dry when the grown-ups took the masks off our face - our faces felt so wierd and soft and there was plaster sticking on our faces! We had to wipe our faces with soap and water. Then we had to design our masks on paper to see what we wanted them to look like. This week we are going to paint our masks.