Friday, January 17, 2014

Martin Luther King Day By Emma Adelson and Nicholas Pectal

Martin Luther king day is where we celebrate a man who went through hard times. For example he had two friends who where white and one day he went to his friends house to go play but his mom came out instead of his two friends and his mom said you are no longer to play with my boys because you are colored. Martin and his friends were never to see each other again. When he was older he tried and tried to prevent that from ever happening to anybody else .  Then finally the day came he was able to make sure that black people got treated the same way as white people. That was the day of the "I have a dream" speech. Still now we celebrate what he did to the country. Everyone was pleased except the people that didn't like what he did. Then one day, one of the people that did not like him decided to shoot him. He died that day. Most everyone was very sad that day. His family, his friends and everyone that was standing with him. It was a sad day in history but people still remember his big words and what he did in this community. 
I hope everyone will remember what he did for every black person. And I hope everyone will celebrate Martin Luther king jr. Day 

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