Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Designing A Greenhouse & A Visit From Mr. Whalen!

Designing A Greenhouse & A Visit From Mr. Whalen!
By Citlalli, Sophia & Ms. Cosel
 4th graders were asked to help design a greenhouse for the Muddy Brook campus last month. They spent several days scouting locations, discussing the design process and working on developing sketches. Mr. Whalen who works with Sheffield Plastics volunteered to help us with this project and came into 4th grade last week to tell us more about what he does and how plastic can be used!
Last week in 4C Mr Whalen came and showed us plastic material from sheffield plastics. He let us touch materials that he brought. The materials were really cool. There was a coke machine cover and a bullet proof plastic square. He told us about the business and its history. He told us that he also makes Mc donalds signs! We really enjoyed his visit.

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