Monday, November 25, 2013

Finishing Naomi Leon by Nico

This week we finished our book,
Becoming Naomi Leon by Pam Ryan.
It is about  a girl named Naomi  who is abandoned by her mom. Her mom comes back, and she is addicted to alcohol. She threatens Naomi and Naomi wants to find her dad.
They find him and go to court, Naomi ends up with her dad and grandma. 
Today we did soap carvings in honer of Naomi !

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thanksgiving food drive by: Nico and Connor

Our school is doing a Thanksgiving food drive. our class decorated the box today with cut out turkeys , pilgrim hats , and other cool stuff. The box is due tomorrow and we need more stuff!!!!
Diego Rosas in our class made a cool pop-out card. We all signed it in the afternoon.

Monday, November 18, 2013

New jobs by Nico & Connor

This week we started to get paid for doing our jobs! 
The max for getting money a day $2.00 a week $10.00.
And at the end of the month we get to  have an auction 
for cool stuff!  We also got work logs. At social studies we decorated them.